

Art Direction: Scott Laserow


Perspectives is a visual exploration revealing the reality of mental health disorders. It aims to educate, promote conversation, and stress the importance of taking mental health seriously. This project is a series of AR posters as well as a poster guide to explain the concept behind the series and further push revealing these realities.

Mental health is not an easy topic for many people. It's hard to understand what you can't see. I wanted this poster series to give some sort of visual insight on the reality for many of us. In doing that, I hope to educate people who may not have a great understanding for mental health. I also want to bring comfort to others to feel they are not alone. I want it to create conversation because the more conversations about mental health there is, the easier they will become! That's a primary goal.



The posters explore using typography as the drive to communicate the reality of living with a mental health disorder. Each poster portrays a different disorder and uses its name as the primary force of expression. These typographic solutions are then brought to life through animation. The decision for these to be black and white was allow the subject matter to be in its most impactful state. 

The poster guide remains black and white to continue to allow this. Each poster is accompanied by a collage to the left of it to add a sense of human connection. Using imagery people can connect with, the goal is to bring humility to the topic. Separating the collage and posters are short sheets to provide design concepts and more information. This includes generalized quotes from an anonymous survey I created asking people to share their perspective on mental health. These answers were really inspirational through out my creative process.






Vampire Series